Welcome to Australia's first national community-based futures planning process

We have it in our power to create the world anew
About By 2050

By 2050: Planning a better future for our children in 21st century democratic Australia
At ACFP we are using a new community engagement and planning framework called National Integrated Planning & Reporting or National IP&R to create:
Australia's first National Community Futures Plan -
Australia Together.
By 2050 establishes that framework and methodology. It establishes a base of excellence in planning for the society, environment, economy and governance Australians want by 2050.
By 2050 also functions as an issues paper for Australia - a consolidated picture of our position in 2020 and the challenges we are facing as a nation that will need to be resolved if we are to make our particular Vision for a better future a reality by 2050.
Extracts from By 2050 are available on the blog for this website.
By 2050 is available in paperback by email order.
Click here to order By 2050 in paperback for $45 including postage anywhere in Australia.

Adult Australians in the 2020s are likely to be the first generation in a century who will fail to leave a better future and quality of life to their children and grandchildren. But it is still possible to rescue a better, even a wonderful future, if we work together to describe it fully, plan our way towards it inclusively and methodically, and then persistently hold our governments to account for their part in delivering it.
By 2050 examines Australia’s current capacity, strengths and weaknesses as a modern society, economy, environmental custodian and democracy, and looks at our preparedness for the coming challenges. The conclusion is that Australian governments and political leaders are currently incapacitated to the point where they are unable to offer a compelling vision for our future, let alone a path towards it. That path can only be found by Australians working together, using their democracy more effectively than they are now.
By 2050 offers a practical way of organising ourselves as a nation to imagine our preferred future and develop an Integrated Planning & Reporting process to make it a reality. This is an efficient process in which any and all Australians can become engaged and which can significantly increase our chances of arriving at a better future by 2050 or sooner, via the most acceptable routes. It allows us to shift to a space where we the people – in all our diversity – can act together and partner with ethical governments, businesses and institutions. This is a space of proactive participatory democracy where power and national wealth are more fairly shared.
By 2050 demonstrates how this shift in the balance of power between us and our governments can arise from a system which gives precedence to the coherent plans of a diverse community over the divergent, short-sighted platforms of political parties. Implemented well, this national community futures planning and reporting process can make transcendence of politics and ideology a common feature of our democracy instead of a rarity.