Welcome to Australia's first national community-based futures planning process

We have it in our power to create the world anew
Past Newsletters
We’ve released Issue No. 7 of Australia Together – Australia’s first long term plan by the people for the people.
Issue No. 7 includes new Targets and Strategies which substantially enhance our capacity to make the Vision for Australia Together a reality by 2050 or sooner.
Interest in national long term, community-driven integrated planning is increasing.
ACFP articles and interviews continue to appear in the media.
September 2023 - Newsletter No. 13
Special Indigenous Voice Issue
ACFP has been active in support of an Indigenous Voice in the Constitution.
ACFP Founder Bronwyn Kelly’s new book, The People’s Constitution, is attracting attention and praise.
We’re working with politicians and the media to promote the Voice and human rights for all Australians.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
ACFP Founder Bronwyn Kelly is now on Substack providing updates and articles on The State of Australia.
ACFP has made a submission to the government's review of defence legislation.
New media articles by and about ACFP's work are emerging.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
ACFP’s Founder Bronwyn Kelly has released a new book: The People’s Constitution
ACFP has made a submission to Treasury’s Measuring What Matters program.
Our first scholarly article about National Integrated Planning & Reporting has been published in a peer reviewed international journal.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
We have released Issue No. 5 of the starting draft of Australia Together.
Issue No. 5 includes 33 new Targets and Strategies bringing the total number to 265.
We have released Australia's first End of Term Report on the state of the nation - The State of Australia 2022.
Articles by ACFP’s Founder continued to appear in the media.
September 2021 - Special Update
Launching the petition to the Prime Minister demanding that Australia lead the world at COP26 to stop global heating.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
We have launched Issue No. 2 of the starting draft of Australia’s first integrated national long term plan for a better society, environment, economy and democracy – Australia Together.
We’ve opened up consultation on both the Vision and Directions for Australia Together.
We’re publishing articles on National Integrated Planning & Reporting.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
Progress has been made with the first draft of Australia Together.
We’ve completed and launched all seven episodes of our new video series, The State of Australia in 2020.
We’ve made a major submission to the Senate Inquiry into Media Diversity in Australia.
We have made other major submissions to parliament on the News Media & Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code Bill 2020 and appeared before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee on this matter.
Articles by ACFP’s Founder are beginning to appear in the media.
ACFP has been and still is active in support of an Indigenous Voice in the Constitution and a voice for ALL Australians.
We’ve answered Questions on Notice from Parliament.
A new major essay has been released on Saving Australian Democracy and Sovereignty by Building a New Constitution.
ACFP articles and interviews continue to appear in the media.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
·ACFP has made a submission to the federal Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework.
·The Australia Together Podcast has been launched on Substack and is currently featuring the full audio version of The People’s Constitution.
·New articles by ACFP are appearing in the media.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
ACFP’s has launched the Australia Together Podcast
ACFP Founder Bronwyn Kelly’s new book, The People’s Constitution, is now available in paperback.
Bronwyn Kelly has published a new major essay in reply to Australia’s Treasurer Jim Chalmers.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
We have released a new two-part video series summarising the findings of Australia’s first End of Term Report on the state of the nation - The State of Australia 2022.
Articles by ACFP’s Founder continued to appear in the media.
Some music for peace and hope before the upcoming federal election – Leonard Cohen’s “Anthem” performed by Bronwyn and Sean Kelly.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
We launched and submitted a petition to Scott Morrison demanding that Australia lead the world at COP26 to stop global heating.
We launched our new video series, Snapshots from Australia Together.
Another 12 Targets and Strategies have been added to Australia Together.
Articles by ACFP’s Founder continued to appear in the media.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
We have launched a new series of introductory videos on National Integrated Planning & Reporting.
- Another 16 Targets and Strategies have been added to Australia Together.
A new line has been added to the Vision for Australia Together.
Articles by ACFP’s Founder are appearing in the media.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
We have launched the starting draft of Australia’s first integrated national long term plan for a better society, environment, economy and democracy – Australia Together.
We’ve opened up consultation on the Vision for Australia Together.
Articles by ACFP’s Founder are appearing in the media.
What’s been happening at ACFP?
Australia Together is in draft.
We commenced education about the origins of the draft Vision and Directions for Australia Together.
A Community Engagement Program has been developed.
We’ve started seeking potential partners to join the Alliance for National IP&R.
We’ve launched three episodes of our new seven-part video series, The State of Australia in 2020.
ACFP’s Founder Bronwyn Kelly released:
a major essay on the ACCC’s News Media Bargaining Code and the threat it poses to Australia’s democracy, and
a media article on the huge hole in the federal budget arising from current climate change policies and how to fix it.