Welcome to Australia's first national community-based futures planning process

We have it in our power to create the world anew
Snapshots from Australia Together
Australia Together is a plan to make a particular Vision a reality for Australians by 2050 or sooner. It is a big, serious plan, the like of which has never been constructed before.
The most important feature of Australia Together is that it is an integrated, long term plan. This means it assembles suites of diverse but complementary strategies for overcoming our biggest weaknesses as a nation and for propelling us toward our preferred future.
In Snapshots from Australia Together ACFP will showcase selections of strategies and policies that can establish Australia’s future as a prosperous nation offering safety, security and wellbeing to everyone.
The strategies presented here are not emerging from political processes. They are emerging through a process in which any and every Australian can become involved - the process of drafting Australia Together, our nation’s first long term integrated community futures plan.
No time to watch the videos? Read our Fact Sheets:
Snapshots from Australia Together, Episode 1 – A plan for fixing climate change - 12 minute read
Find out more about Australia Together.
View Snapshots from
Australia Together