Welcome to Australia's first national community-based futures planning process

We have it in our power to create the world anew
The State of Australia
From time to time, ACFP provides summary reporting on statistics about the health and wellbeing of Australia as a nation and a country. Major reports on this are released at the end of each term of federal parliament and just before an election under the title of The State of Australia.
The intention is to co-locate key statistics so that Australians can get a fuller picture of how well Australia is doing in terms of:
social cohesion and equity;
environmental amenity and sustainability;
economic growth, development and sustainability;
open governance and democracy; and
responsible international citizenry.
These statistics do not exist elsewhere in an easily accessible single space.
Over the decade to 2030, ACFP hopes to build balanced pictures of whether Australians as a nation are moving towards or away from their preferred future.

ACFP's reports on The State of Australia are the only consolidated reports available to Australians on whether, during the life of parliaments and over recent decades, Australia has moved closer to a better future in the matters that Australians have said are important to them.
These reports also shed light on Australia's preparedness for the future and how that can be improved.
The State of Australia 2025
In February 2025 ACFP released our second report on the state of the nation,
The State of Australia 2025
Are we progressing towards a better Australia?
Like The State of Australia 2022 (see below), the new report concludes that if Australians agree that the draft Vision for Australia Together describes the better Australia we might aspire to for ourselves and future generations, the answer to the above question in 2025 must be
​No, we are not progressing towards a better Australia, we are traveling away from that preferred destination.
However, we do have the means of reversing our current course of travel and we have full capacity to switch to safer paths, But we are running out of time. The State of Australia 2025 provides essential insights into key strategies that must be implemented and policies that must be reformed if we are to make up for lost time and make the Vision for Australia Together a reality before it is too late.
Click here to download The State of Australia 2025
The State of Australia 2022
In March 2022 ACFP released our first report on the state of the nation,
The State of Australia 2022
Are we progressing towards a better Australia?
The report concludes that if Australians agree that the draft Vision for Australia Together describes the better Australia we might aspire to for ourselves and future generations, the answer to the above question in 2022 must be
​No, we are not progressing towards a better Australia, we are traveling away from that preferred destination.
But we do have the means of reversing our current course of travel and we have full capacity to switch to safer paths – paths by which we the people can make the Vision for Australia Together a reality, providing a place of wellbeing and security for everyone.
Click here to download The State of Australia 2022
The State of Australia in 2020
The issues for Australia in 2020 to solve by 2050 or sooner
ACFP has identified at least twenty issues for Australia that must be solved by 2050 and preferably before 2035 if future generations are to be assured of a safer and more secure future. They are listed here, not in any particular order, although the first one is critical to the success of all the rest:
For more information, view ACFP's videocast series
​The State of Australia in 2020
Growing inequality
Growing poverty, homelessness and hunger
Loss of the fair go for all
Growth in racial and religious conflict
Indigenous exclusion
An outmoded and failing Constitution
Loss of rights, open governance and transparency
Declining participation in democracy
Unethical governance
Fractious international relations
Corporate irresponsibility
Economic decline
Lost public ownership
Inertia in transition to decarbonisation
Environmental decline
Climate policy failure
Declining health and safety at home
Declining educational attainment
Declining quality of life and loss of social cohesion
Declining wellbeing and happiness
We have it in our power to create the world anew
Thomas Paine, 1776